
Rules of Moot Court Competition





Ø To furnish law aspirants with comprehensive analytical and practical legal knowledge.

Ø To give exposure to students pursuing the law course to the environment of the court system in India.

Ø To hone Students’ advocacy skills and to provide a real life experience cum training in doing cutting edge research, presenting ground breaking arguments and contributing to the development of jurisprudence in concerned areas of law.

Ø To develop environment of competition among law students for development of their intellect, advocacy skills and legal knowledge.


v Last date for submission of forms – 5th  February 2017.
v      Last date for submission of memorial – 20th  February 2017.
v      Date of Competition – 27th – 28th February 2017

Team composition & eligibility criteria
(i) Each team shall comprise of three (3) members ONLY out of which two (2) will be speakers and one (1) researcher.
(ii) Arguments shall be in English only.
(iii) The competition is open for bonafide students pursuing five year and three years LL.B course.
(iv)Each team shall be provided team code by draw of lots followed by exchange of memorials

Dress Code
Inside the court room the participant shall follow the below mentioned dress code.
(i) Females: white salwar kurta & Dupatta or white shirt and black trousers along with black coat and tie.
(ii) Males: white shirt, black trousers, black tie along with black coat and black shoes. The dress code for all the functions at the competition shall be western formals for gentlemen and western or Indian formals for ladies

Competition Rounds
There shall be two preliminary rounds, quarter finals, semi finals and a final round spreading over a period of 3 days.

1. Preliminary Rounds

(i) In preliminary rounds each team shall argue from both the sides (appellant and respondent).
(ii) The team shall be credited with a win in a preliminary round if their round total is more than opposing team.
(iii) The marks of the EACH preliminary round shall be the cumulative total of the marks of both the speakers and the marks of the memorial of the side in which they are appearing.
(v) No team shall face each other more than once in the preliminary rounds.
(vi) Each team shall face a different bench in their each round of arguments.
(vii) TOP EIGHT (8) teams shall move to the quarter finals on the basis of the marks of the preliminary rounds.
(viii) The following criteria shall be observed in deciding teams which are to move in quarter finals.
a. The teams that have TWO wins in preliminary rounds shall proceed to the quarter final.
b. In case less than 8 teams are able to score two wins then teams that have 1:1 win loss ratio shall advance based on their aggregate score in the Preliminary Rounds.
c. Teams that have TWO wins shall be given preference over those which have 1 win and 1 loss.
(ix) In case of a tie between two or more teams, the aggregate total of the score of oral submissions of the speakers shall be taken into consideration.
2. Quarter Finals
(i) Eight (8) teams shall compete in quarter final. Criteria for qualifying to quarter finals have been mentioned in previous clauses.
(ii) It shall be a knock out round. The winner of each round shall move to the semi-final. Four (4) teams shall move to semi-finals.
(iii) The criteria of marking in this round are aggregate total of the marks of both the speakers.
(iv) In case of tie between teams, in quarter finals, the aggregate total of the marks of memorials (appellant and respondent) of the teams shall be counted. Team with highest marks moves ahead.
3. Semi Finals / Final
(i) Four (4) teams shall compete in semi finals. The criteria of qualifying in semi finals have been mentioned in previous clauses.
(ii) It shall be a knock out round. The winner of each round shall move to the Final.
(iii) The criteria of marking in this round are aggregate total of the marks of both the speakers.
(iv) In case of tie between teams, in semi finals, the aggregate total of the marks of memorials (appellant and respondent) of the teams shall be counted. Team with highest marks moves ahead.
(v) There shall be one (1) FINAL ROUND.
(vi) The marking criteria in Final Round is same as that of semi final
(i) All teams must submit Memorials / Written Submissions for both sides. (Appellant Respondent).
(ii) Participants are allowed to frame additional issues other than those provided in the moot proposition, if desired.
(iii) All teams must submit typed Memorials for both sides and the Memorials must fulfill all the following specifications;
(iv) Memorials must contain the following :
(a) Cover page / Cause title.
(b) Index.
(c) Index of Authorities.
(d) Statement of Jurisdiction.
(e) Synopsis of Facts.
(f) Summary of Arguments.
(g) Arguments / Pleadings.
(h) Conclusion / Prayer.
(v) The memorial shall not be of more than forty (40) pages and the Arguments shall not exceed more than twenty five (25) pages.
(vi) The Memorial shall be typed on A4 size page in Font type : Times New Roman, Font size : 12, 1.5 line spacing & 1 inch margin on each side. Blue Book pattern shall be followed.
(vii) The Cover Page of the Memorial must follow the following colour scheme, Blue for the Applicant Cover Page and Red for the Respondent Cover Page.
(viii) The Memorial must be spiral bound ONLY.
(ix) The Memorial must not contain any Annexure/Photographs/ Sketches/Exhibits/Affidavits etc.
(x) Memorials that do not comply with the abovementioned specifications will be penalized.
Sr. No.
Marking Criteria
Marks allocated
Knowledge of Facts
Knowledge of Law
Proper and Articulate Analysis
Evidence of Original Thought
Grammar and Style
Correct Format and Citation
Extent and Use of Research
Clarity and Organization

Oral Submissions
(i) Each team shall comprise of two (2) speakers, as has been specified earlier.
(ii ) Court language shall be English only
(iii) Each team will have a maximum of thirty (30) minutes to present their Oral Submissions in Preliminary Rounds. No speaker will be permitted to address the Court for more than seventeen (17 minutes). This includes the time the speaker addresses the Court during the rebuttal/sur-rebuttal. The maximum time for rebuttal/sur-rebuttal is five (5) minutes.
(iv) The maximum time allotted in quarter finals, semi finals and final shall be forty five (45) minutes for each team. No speaker shall be allowed to address the court for more than twenty five (25) minutes.
(v) At the commencement of each session of Oral Submissions each team must notify the Court Officer of the amount of time that the team reserves for their rejoinder/sur-rejoinder. A maximum of 5 minutes can be reserved for the rejoinder/sur-rejoinder.
(vi) At the commencement of each session of Oral Submissions each team shall notify the Court Officer as to the division of time between the 2 speakers.
(vii) If any speaker continues to speak after the completion of his/her time, he/she shall entail penalty which shall be upon the discretion of the judges.
(viii) The final decision as to the time structure and the right to rejoinder/sur-rejoinder will be that of the Bench Judges.
(ix) During the course of oral submissions the participants cannot submit to the court any material containing pictorial representation whatsoever. Further the participants will not be permitted to make any audio/visual representation nor will they be allowed to use personal computers, laptops and any other technical or mechanical device during their oral submissions.
(x) Speakers shall not be allowed to pass annexure to the judges; instead the teams may make a compendium of annexure that shall be given to the judges before the start of proceedings.
(xi) If at any instance a submission is made with any material in violation to the above clause and if any picture, sketches, photos, cartoons, caricatures, audio film, video film, projector-slide or a computer generated image is submitted or presented to court, the teams shall be disqualified from the competition forthwith.
(xii) During the course of the Oral Submissions no speaker shall neither reveal his/her identify nor the identity of their University / College by any means whatsoever.
Marking Criteria for the Arguments:
(i) Each Speaker will be marked on a total of 100 marks by each Bench Judge.
Sr. No.
Marking Criteria
Marks allocated
Appreciation and Application of Facts.
Identification and Articulation of Issues.
Application of legal principles.
Use of authorities and precedents
Response to questions
Presentation skills
Clarity of thoughts and logical structure of arguments
Poise and Demeanor

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